
Pilar in Studio2.jpgI have been working as a Spanish voiceover in London for over fifteen years. When I tell people I work as a voiceover, they always look at me with curiosity and ask: “Voiceover, for what?” “Oh, many things,” I reply. “An interesting mixture: e-learning, corporate work, toys, videogames, commercials, airplane safety (I even welcomed myself onto a plane once!), telephone messages, you name it.”

The job I’m proudest of, I have to say, is voicing the lovely, fierce Xuli in the GoJetters.

xuliI share my ordinary life as a voiceover artist in the book “Hi, I’m Here for a Recording”.

If you would like to work with me, please contact me through Twitter @PilarWrites or through the contact form on this blog. I only work through agencies but happy to speak to you first.

Here’s some of my work:


Magazine type read (young)

Introducing Xuli

Kenco Coffee vs Gangs

A podcast I was proud to guest on talking about my voiceover work:

The Women Talking About Learning Podcast

The Voiceover One

Hosted by Andrew Jacobs, fellow voiceover artist Katelyn Dawn and I chat all about voiceover and the benefits of using it to upgrade the quality of audio projects.